Friday, July 8, 2016

Fat healthy and skinny healthy

It isn't a secret that obesity can cause other serious health issues. Being obese  can increase the risk of heart disease, diabetes and maybe even early death? After finding two articles on Google, "You Can Be Fit and Fat- or Thin and Unhealthy?" published in Time Magazine, and another called "Metabolism and weight loss" published to The Mayo Clinic, I found very interesting facts about how being obese doesn't always mean you are not "physically fit", and that a "slow metabolism" isn't always to blame for having a hard time losing weight.

According to Time Magazine, based on a research study done by European Heart Journal, Overweight or obese people weren't necessarily more susceptible to the diseases associated with obesity. In fact, Time Magazine states that as long as an obese person is "metabolically fit" they were considered "healthy". :

      "The researchers categorized obese participants as “metabolically healthy” if, aside from their weight, they didn’t suffer from insulin resistance, diabetes, low levels of good cholesterol, high triglycerides and high blood pressure. Nearly half of the obese participants in the study qualified as metabolically fit."

Another study about obesity and "body fat" done by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Survey showed that health issues have a lot to do with "where body fat is distributed". If a person carries more fat in their abdomen, they are more likely to develop "insulin resistance and inflammation".

This also goes for thin people. Time also states that Dr. Timothy Church, director of the Laboratory of Preventive Medicine at Pennington Biomedical Research Center "normal weight" individuals who practice healthy eating habits but do not get much physical activity, are less healthy than some obese people. This is because although they may have the eating part down, your body needs "30 minutes" of exercise to stay physically healthy and that you need "2-5 hours of moderate intensity aerobic exercise a week".

So although society labels obese people healthy, they may in fact be more fit than they appear, just as a thinner person might not be physically healthy.

In my second article written by The Mayo Clinic, metabolism is how our body "converts" the food we consume, into energy for our body to perform the necessary functions "such as breathing". Even if we aren't participating in physical activities, our bodies are constantly working. Mayo Clinic also states that the speed of our metabolism is unique to each individual. Our bodies are so complex and determine the rate our metabolism should be.

My sources were very informative to me and did answer my question on how thin and obese people can be either unhealthy or healthy when it comes to the physicality aspect. I also learned that a "slow metabolism" isn't always to blame for being obese. Our bodies and functions are tailored to function. A question I have is, How does an obese person start their journey of weight loss and physical fitness? How long does it take?  Is it possible for every person suffering from obesity to become healthy and average weight?

Word Count: 508

Work Cited
Nichols, M., N. Townsend, P. Scarborough, and M. Rayner. "Cardiovascular Disease in Europe 2014: Epidemiological Update." European Heart Journal 35.42 (2014): 2950-959. Web.


  1. I like your post I think it is important to care about our bodies. I think metabolism can be a factor but it is more about what food we eat and how many calories we consume. I do agree that even when eating healthy you can still be obese. That is because your body needs exercise, so even when we eat healthy we still need to burn fat. Great job!

    1. Amanda,

      From my research i have learned that metabolism is fit to be what our body needs so most of the time it is not to blame at all for weight. I agree it is more important to focus on being healthy.

  2. If a drug user becomes a drug addicted is itself inflicted or a disease? Now, if an obsessed person doesn’t manage their weight, is obesity self-inflicted? Obesity has a very thin line when it comes to weight and health. It’s incredible to me to realize how many people fail to learn and educate themselves on obesity. I have always believed obesity can be tricky. Just because someone is overweight doesn’t necessarily mean they are unhealthy. Do you think there is a medical condition that severely impacts the weight of obsessed people, no matter how healthy one is? I admire that you have used the slogan “Forget Fat vs Thin …. And remember Healthy vs Unhealthy” This is a universal quote that many people need to apply in their daily lives.

    Words 130

    1. Karla,
      I agree and think it is very important that people know there are several other factors in obesity. Yes, some people overeat and do not get enough exercise, but some also have serious medical conditions that make it hard to lose weight.

  3. This is a very pressing issue. I am glad that you chose to write your blog about it. I think that a lot of people think that if you are bigger there is no way that you can be fit. However my fiance is the perfect example of that . I think that a lot of people are unaware of the health issues that they could have because they don't think that "skinny" people have these issues. This is actually really cool and I am glad that you brought it up. Making people aware of these issues is so important and getting them moving is also so important ! Great job with bringing this topic to light for everyone to see.

    1. Victoria,

      Thank you, I think my main point in the conclusion is going to be about how any person can be healthy. Big or thin. The most important thing is health, not weight.

  4. What did you find interesting about the response? I found it really interesting that Time Magazine found that an obese person could be considered healthy ask long as they were “metabolically fit”.
    What would you add to this post? OR What questions does this post generate for you about the topic? I would like to know more about your ending question, “how long does it take?” I think there is a lot of people out there who try this and that for losing weight but give up to quickly.
    What do you agree OR disagree with and why? I agree with your findings that “being obese can increase the risk of heart disease, diabetes…”

    1. Katherine,
      I think my main point in my conclusion is gonna focus in on how exactly to get healthy and how long it takes. I also want to end it with making a point that everyone can benefit from my research. Not just the people being affected by obesity, and also about whether or not I found out if obesity is self inflicted or not.

  5. I think where you're going with this topic is great. For obese people it is not easy to lose weight because they are stuck in their old habits and those can be very hard to break. I believe if an obese person has some guidelines to follow while trying to lose weight it will be easier for them to achieve. I do believe that many people do have trouble with their weight just because of there genes and this can be hard for many people to understand.

    1. Tala,

      Thank you, I agree they need a support system to really commit to their goals.
